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Portrait de admin
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Dernière visite: Il y a 1 mois 3 semaines
A rejoint: 01/03/2011 - 16:36
Contributions: 923
"Why me" FAQ

FAQ about www.refra.fr SMS (spam management system)


Q : I'm a renoise user and my posts has been modified / moved here !

A : Sorry, but you misunderstood the terms and conditions. You've got to write in french language at first. Writing in english will activate a word filtering mechanism that automatically detects unappropriate language. If you want to avoid it, you'll have to write in french at first. Use Google Translate for that. Also, you must interact in french with other users and strictly follow the forum rules. Repetitively posting your music anywhere in the wrong forums, is the best path to fall into the Spammer's Corner.  Be aware that other spammer's aren't as lucky as you : I've also blocked their account - what I didn't do for you just because you're a musician.


Q : I never posted anything wrong. However why my IP is blocked ?

A : I know you're using different IPs, one for collecting your data on the sites you want to spam, another one for spamming your targets. So I'll block ALL of your IPs. I know the location of the server you're using and its IP. Also, try to ask yourself why it's reported as an IP commonly used by spammers, and blacklisted on lots of sites.


Q : I've just signed in, and never posted anything wrong ; however my account has been blocked.

A : Authorized users don't "sign in" with the help of bots, mails of nototrious spammers, or IPs commonly used by spammers.


Q : I believed that Spammer's Corner was the right place for me. Why did you deleted/modified my threads / posts / comments / messages and modified/blocked my account ?

A : You're right, the Spammer's Corner is the right place for you. But it doesn't mean your activity is authorized. I consider this forum like a trash can. Your account has been blocked following terms and conditions described here. And your posts will survive in my trash can a few weeks, before deletion. Spamming www.refra.fr is futile.





Édité par: admin activé 19/12/2013 - 21:08